Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow Camping with Troop 50

This past weekend we went snow camping with Troop 50. What is snow camping you ask?? Well, it's building a shelter in the snow and sleeping in it during freezing temps. All the while you are asking yourself...why did I sign up for this?? The boys began their adventure by having a snow ball fight....what else do you do when you get a bunch of boys to the snow. After the battle was over, it was time to get to work. All the boys started to carve out snow blocks to build the walls of their shelter, after that they lay a tarp over the top and presto! You have a snow shelter! While the boys slept in their comfy shelter, I slept in the car. All the leaders built their own shelter but I was not brave / crazy enough to sleep outside. It dipped into the low teens at night but the boys did well. Now they can all say, they have slept in the snow.....

Fight on!

It was so cold, clothes froze

Inside the shelter

Tristan, Nicky, Scott, Brian and Tyler

inside the shelter

Putting the tarp on

Building the walls

Precise engineering

Brian and Scott

Scott and Trenton

Brian, Scott and Trenton

Stomping out the outline for the shelter

Troop 50

Sledding in freezing temps and in the dark

Scott and Dad

Beautiful views

Getting ready for the two mile snow shoe hike

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