Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Day In The Snow......

So what do you do when you are stuck at an airport with more than an hour before your flight? You blog! But let's think about this for a quick second....10 years ago, I would not be able to do something like this because I would not have been able to get on the Internet in a public location like this. We have made some amazing advances in technology and I often wonder where we will be at in another 10 years.....

Now on to the subject at hand....a day in the snow. The other week, we took a trip to the snow with a few of Renee's cousins. They all have kids around the same age.....actually, Amy and Ritch have kids exactly the same age....all 3 months apart from ours. Jimmy and Jane have baby Eva who is still a toddler and this was her first trip to the snow. It was fun to see her reaction to snow for the very first time in her life. I can't take credit for the pics....Jimmy is the photographer extraordinaire so I need to give him props....thanks Di-Di.

Cori and her best cousin, Amanda.

Justin and his arsenal of snow balls...


From left to right.....Jared, Scott, Justin and Alex

Base camp....

Baby Eva and her introduction to snow....


Scott with Jared in the background

Amy and Renee - When Amy and Renee were young, they used to play together a lot. It's fun to see how their daughters (Cori and Amanda) are now best cousins with each other much like they were when they were young....

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