Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our 5th Amusment Park.....Disneyland!

As our monster vacation was in full effect. The Kumamoto Clan had covered 4 amusements parks and we were on our 5th and last one. There is no better way to close out a vacation than with a trip to Disneyland. The park was empty by Disneyland standards but to me, the crowds were still pretty thick! Some rides we were able to get on and off so I guess I can't complain.

Daddy and Mommy on Tom Saywer Island...picture by Justin.

Justin and Cori

Waiting to go to Tom Saywer Island

My new favorite ride at Disneyland, the Toy Story 3D ride...super cool!

So after 11 days, our epic vacation had come to an end. We packed in a lot of stuff in a short amount of time. The kids had a blast and for the most part, it was a very slow moving vacation. We still had plenty of time at night to go shopping, check things out and just hang out by the pool. It was well worth the time spent. But I do have to admit....I'm done with amusement parks for a while.....

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