Monday, June 1, 2009

Scott's Arrow of Light - Pack 611

On Friday, May 29....Scott earned his Arrow of Light award. For those non-scouters out there...the AOL award is the highest award that a Cub Scout can earn. It is the culmination of 5 years of hard work and dedication. I'm proud to say that all the boys in Dens 1, 2 and 4 earned the award and that all the boys will be moving up to Boy Scouts. This is a huge achievement for us leaders as we have done our job to keep the boys focused and looking forward to moving on to bigger and better things. With one more outing left...the Cub Scout Olympics, Scott and I will be officially done with Pack 611 and Scott will now wear the uniform of Troop 50 and I'll be taking on the role of Assistant Cub Master to Pack 50 for Sacramento. But deep down inside, we will always be Pack 611....

Den 2 ROCKS!

Scott and Mitchell.....friends for life......

Scott performing the candle lighting ceremony

Den Chiefs Robby and Eric

All the boys from Dens 1, 2 and 4

The step ladder to AOL....Tigers, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear and Webelo

The boys relaxing after the ceremony....."we did it!!"

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