Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Final Race.....

This past Saturday, Scott and I had our last Pinewood Derby with Pack 611 in San Jose. It all started about a month ago when I (we) started to work on Scott's car. Everything was going perfect until the morning of the race.....I went to pick up the car and the paint was still wet! How can that be?! I (we) worked so hard on making the car perfect and now it was all messed up. I told Renee I didn't want to go anymore....poor sport. But Scott could care less, he just wanted the car to go fast.....so we packed up and left for San Jose around 8:00AM. We hit major fog on the way there but we soldiered on and had a great time. Scott made it to the finals but got smoked by some very fast cars. But the highlight of his day was getting to play with all his buddies in his last Pinewood Derby.
The dreaded Central Valley Fog

Scott getting ready to race.....


One of the things I will miss once Scouts is over is Den Chief Jeff. Jeff has been with us from day 1 and he is by far one of the funniest kids around. It's been an honor to watch him grow over the years. Jeff along with Den Chief Eric, who was in Sacramento that day attending a prom, have added so much fun to the den, I will miss them when scouts is over......

Den 2 (top row from the left) Leslie Kitazumi, Donna Minagawa, Jeff Doi, Me.....Bottom Row, Chandler Crews, Nathan Decena, Scottie, Mitchell Kitazumi, Jason Minagawa.

Scott was pooped out from a day of racing and playing.....

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