Friday, January 23, 2009


While in San Jose for work yesterday, I got the chance to hook up for lunch with some old buddies from high school. Sitting next to me is Alan Jung, Alan was a senior when I was a freshman but he took the time to drive me around and he never asked for gas money! He is by far one of the most generous guys I high school and today (he paid for lunch...again!)....the guy right across from me is Raymond Mendoza. Raymond is one of the funniest guys I know. His little brother, Roland is my age and that's how I met Raymond. When I was a freshman, I jumped in his car with Roland for a lunch time cruise. Raymond turned around and asked, "who the hell are you?" I said, "I'm Glen" He said, "okay"....the rest is history. Raymond would also drive me everywhere....but he asked for gas money.....Next to Raymond is Tony Yamashita, Tony's family owned a flower stand off of Berryessa Road for the longest time. During the summer, we would sit in the flower stand frig and cool off next to the roses and mums. Tony always had the coolest cars, one of which was kicked by my now sister-in-law during a lovers argument in high school. Tony is one of the nicest guys I know, always smiling...except when some chick kicks his car....with pointy shoes......

All three of these guys have become successful in their chosen careers.

Alan started his own company with his brother Robert and now they are a state of the art flex PCB card manufacturer for the biggest cell phone companies in the world.

Raymond started his own company about a million years ago..repairing audio he is the nations 2nd largest repair shop.

Tony works for one of the nations largest defense contractors, Rockwell Collins. Rockwell produces the displays for aircraft such as the space shuttle, F-22, F-18 and most commercial aircraft.

Minatos February 22, 2009

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