Saturday, November 21, 2009

Boy Scouts of America - 100 Year Celebration

On October 24th, the Boy Scouts of America celebrated their 100 year anniversary in Sacramento. There were boy scouts and cub scouts from all over the state....7,000 scouts were in attendance. We started the day with a march down to the Capital to hear a speech from our Gov....the only problem was...our Gov didn't show. So we heard some speeched from local politicians and scout executives. The real joy was to be a part of something that won't happen for another 100 years. You could feel the excitement in the air. We topped off the activities with hot dogs at Raley Field. Happy birthday scouting!

Troop and Pack 50

Me and Scott

Troop 50 being dorks

Troop 50 in the house...

Thursday, November 19, 2009 warrior princess.....

These past few weeks we have been going back and forth to San Jose for the 2009 CYS Basketball Tournament. Cori played one weekend and Scott played another weekend. Fortunately for us, our friend...Scott Nakajima was on hand at Cori's game so he was nice enough to snap some pics for us. Thanks Scott!! Cori's team did well under the coaching of Tony Cooper and me by his side. We lost the first game by 2 points but did well the next two games. All the girls played hard and had a good time!

Coaches wondering what the heck to do...

Cori fighting for the ball.......

Driving to the hoop

Fast break.........

Going for the ball

Two points

Moms and a bored Justin

She should be looking up, not down....

Driving to the hoop